16 September 2007

the genetic code the cause acne

The genetic propionibacterium acnes ,the cause bacteria of the pimple was solved. This opened new hope for more exact pimple medical treatment. many people felt not comfortable, felt was disturbed,and even until embarrassed when their face was adorned with small boils.The pimple was the skin deviation that was known with acne vulgarism. Usually the pimple attacks them who entered the puberty period,or the adolescent. In the period the change happened hormonal that stimulated the sebaceous gland to skin with produced oil that more.

This oil was channeled to the hair follicle,that is the building that formed the pocket surrounded the hair follicle, then was spent to the surface of skin through skin pores.In the certain condition for these skin pores was closed so as oil joined in the pocket.the obstruction this could be infected by germs that lived in and around the follicle so as to cause the inflammation,the swelling and etc.

as many as 80 percent problem of this skin fell on them in the mature age young. Nevertheless, they that aged continued then was not avoided from problem this. Not only because of the problem hormonal,the problem of the pimple was related to the disturbance in and around the hair follicle,but also the bacteria. The other factor was stress,food,and the pattern of the life impact propionibacterium acnes.

The common pimple happened in skin parts that contained the oil surplus. Healthy body parts were overgrown by the pimple including the surface of skin,the face,the neck,upper part arms,the upper back,the scalp, and the upper chest.According to the expert in level skin of heterogeneous pimple seriousness, that depended on the condition for the sufferer's skin and the other supporting factor.

The scale of his seriousness beginning with light,as far as serious,from the network of the epidermis as far as dermis. The gene bacteria researchers from the University Georg August in Contingent, Germany, found the bacterial gene that attacked and damaged the network component of human skin. The discovery of this bacterial gene could help answered various questions around the cause of the pimple.This research succeeded in solving the genetic code from the bacteria that was involved in acne.

This opened the new main gate for pimple medical treatment with more exact.Indeed had many cause factors of the pimple and the trigger of the inflammation to skin. Then,learned his cause bacteria precisely gave added value in the discovery of his medicine. We tried to see how many genes that were in the degradation of the network of skin involved, explained the management of the team of this researcher, Holger Bruggeman in Germany, some time before. The bacteria that became taros from the pimple was known by the name of Bacterium acne.

Bacteria this was found to the surface of the adult's connected skin tight in the problem of this pimple. Although being found in the surface of skin, this bacteria lived in the gland and the oil secretion right in the hair follicle.The team of the German researcher identified 2,333 units Gen. an amount the gene explained the propionibacterium acnes bacterial method acne's triggered the pimple emergence.

They also found the tracks of the enzyme from the bacteria that destroyed skin. This bacteria, said Bruggeman,left his enzyme products on skin so as to cause the degradation in the network this. The research to early of efforts to find new therapy to overcome the enzyme system that was produced by the Propionibacterium bacteria acne's.

When the moving bacteria reduced the function of human skin,then the inflammation lurked. Possibly that had his connection with the decline in the system of body immunity.Here his difference that the system of body immunity anyone differed. The management of Acne Support Group Alison Dudley said,this discovery became the step advanced for the forthcoming generation.

We knew, the pimple could drive the person to think for the suicide and depression. Until now,medical treatment that was carried out has taken place for some time and was not enough just one the kind.usually pimple medical treatment was carried out through medicine topical but,also must be carried out with oral medicine for example, antibiotic,vitamin A, anti hormonal when indeed his problem from hormonal.

In medical treatment of the patient's pimple not only consume various medicine sorts,but also must be obedient in his food regulation. They must pay attention to his daily food.so,they must the diet low fat, reduced food that often contained fat, and that important was therapy consume fiber.

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